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Behavior & Training

  • Puppy Behavior and Training – Training Basics

    Los perros se pueden adiestrar desde el momento en que llegan a casa. Los cachorros aprenden desde el nacimiento; por eso, muchos criadores incentivan la manipulación y la socialización desde el nacimiento. Los cachorros más jóvenes son capaces de mantener la atención durante periodos de tiempo muy cortos, pero con 7 u 8 semanas de edad ya podemos esperar que empiecen a aprender órdenes simples de obediencia como sienta y échate.

  • Puppy Behavior and Training: Sit, Down, Stand and Stay

    Debe utilizarse un trocito de comida como premio, mantenerlo sobre la nariz del perro y desplazarlo lentamente hacia arriba y hacia la cola del perro. El cachorro se sentará al seguir la comida con la cabeza.

  • Getting Your Puppy Started Off Right

    Cuando el cachorro llega a casa necesita un periodo de adaptación. El objetivo es ayudarle a unirse rápidamente a la familia y minimizar el estrés asociado a la separación de la madre, los hermanos y la casa previa. La presencia de otro perro en la casa puede facilitar la transición, ya que al cachorro le resulta más fácil identificarse con los de su misma especie.

  • Play Biting in Puppies

    A menudo se cree que el mordisqueo en los cachorros se debe al cambio de dentición, pero con frecuencia se trata de una forma de juego social. Hay que ofrecer a los cachorros muchas oportunidades para jugar.

  • Even though young pups may be more actively curious, dogs never stop learning. In fact, adult dogs are often easier to train than their younger canine friends. Older dogs are not as easily distracted as pups and can focus for longer periods of time. Teaching and learning new tricks can be a fun pastime for you and your dog, no matter your respective ages.

  • Dogs are smart, and we see examples of their intelligence through both scientific research and real-life situations. They can learn by watching, cooperating with another dog or person, or just by being in their environment over time.

  • It is important to understand your dog's body language for your dog's emotional comfort as well as to assure safety. Dogs use subtle signals to reveal their comfort in social interactions. Through their body language, dogs communicate fear, anxiety, and frustration. When signals are not recognized, dogs may become frustrated or anxious and their communication can escalate to more overt threats.

  • A bonded pair consists of two cats that thrive when kept together. Shelters recognize the benefits of housing and adopting out bonded pairs together. Potential cat owners should consider the pros and cons and make an educated decision regarding their adoption options. Caring for two cats means a commitment of more time and money, but it may also mean more joy.

  • Cats that are kept for companionship are typically neutered (castrated), unless they are intended to be used as breeding stock. Neutering prevents accidental or indiscriminate breeding and reduces the frequency of undesirable sexual behaviors, such as mounting and marking.

  • Training your cat in advance for travel is ideal. Positive reinforcement training helps build good associations and makes travel safer and easier. Veterinary advice is sometimes needed for cats who become ill or are frightened during crate training or travel.